Install kernel-pf 3.14 in Ubuntu

I saw today a website page that claims to help you to manually install my pf binaries. Unfortunately for that page, I don't like the way they wrote the tutorial, so I deciced to make one that's more correct IMHO.

First of all, we should all remember that I provide the binaries compiled from pf-kernel sources, sources patched by Oleksandr Natalenko.
You can find the pf-kernel website here, the forum here and the official pf-kernel thread here.

I provide a few ways to get the binaries, like I said in the thread:

  • Dropbox
  • FTP
  • via a repository that I don't know (and I don't really care) why it doesn't work as it should

Now let's get into business. Copy and paste the following commands into a terminal and run them.

For 32 bits you can use this:

sudo dpkg -i linux-*-3.14.0-pf1*
rm linux-*-3.14.0-pf1*

For 64 bits, you can use this:

sudo dpkg -i linux-*-3.14.0-pf1*
rm linux-*-3.14.0-pf1*

Optionally, you can also download the source and install it like this:

sudo dpkg -i linux-source-3.14.0-pf1*
rm linux-source-3.14.0-pf1*

After installing you must reboot your computer for it to boot into the newly installed kernel image.
If you want to remove all the linux-pf kernel packages, run this line:

sudo apt-get purge linux-*-3.14.0-pf1*

To find if your machine is running a 32 or 64 bits kernel image, you can run uname -m. If you run a 32bits image, you should see i386 returned, and if you have a 64bits image, you should see x86_64 instead.

Until the next post, stay classy Internet!

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